A child is born.
Born black or white.
Born rich or poor.
Born in a hospital, or inside a carton box.
Born in a peaceful place, or in the hell of war.
Should it matters where this child born? But it does matter if she/he born in USA, in Europe, in Asia, in Australia, or in Africa.
Because, some people's future, is predefined since their birth.
If you are lucky enough to born in a progressed and peaceful country, please help those who aren't as lucky as you are.


Do you think life in a refugee camp is perfect? 

"No, but it is a fresh start for those who faced extinction and disaster".

But do they have options to start a new life? Or from one hell entered to another one?

Do we give them the option to learn the local language and be able to a part of the society? Or we are about to create new ghettos all around the world?

Do we give them an option to have a good job, or we aren't able to accept them only if they come as workers and maids?

Do we offer education, medical support and security? Do you know how many people they commit crimes with victims refugees?

Or this is not a problem as long the offenders are also refugees?

Are the refugees a "pain in our rear end", or should we treat them as human?

Do you know how close we are to be in similar condition as these people are today?

Are you sure your country will be in peace forever?

Syrian refugee camp in the outskirts of Athens. Over 6.6 million Syrians were forced to flee their home since 2011. Many are still stranded in refugee camps in Turkey and Greece, waiting (and hoping) to be granted asylum in European countries or beyond. According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria - 23rd June 2021: A non-profit organization visits the Community Secondary School in Oginigba Community, Port Harcourt for an educational charity donation event.

Educate the Future of Africa. 

Educate the children

This initiative program from the International Security Association - ISA, Switzerland,  seeks sponsorship for technological equipment to facilitate 100% free education forever, for all children, teenagers, and adults across Africa, from kindergarten up to high school.
This is my vision and mission and I intend to pass my torch against darkness to future generations of Africa, enabling them to devise and implement genuine solutions tailored to their unique challenges.
We earnestly appeal to true supporters of Africa to consider donating us the necessary equipment, which will be officially received and utilized in Switzerland, before we launch our inaugural pilot program in a small village in Africa. I hate to see children with a predefined future, because of a lack of education, and I officially call ECOWAS Commission to explore together our project. International Security Association - ISA, Switzerland needs your support to create the pilot program. Then we hope the ECOWAS Commission together with serious sponsors to make our project a reality.

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